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A personalized health & nutrition plan - designed with your genes in mind

What is Nutrigenomics?

Nutrigenomics is a scientific discipline that studies the relationship between our genes, nutrition & health - all the way down to the molecular level.

This field of study helps us understand how individual differences at the genetic level can affect responses to health & nutritional needs, and informs what steps we can take to help improve our overall health.

Nutrigenomics offers new possibilities to healthcare providers to implement advanced knowledge about the human genome in order to help improve the health & wellness of individuals through bio-individualized, science based nutritional recommendations.

Make nutrition decisions from your DNA

How does this work?

Nutrigenomics takes what we know from nutritional science & genetics and reveals how it all works together to shape your health. 

PureGenomics™ uses this knowledge to create a customized nutrigenomic report that is backed by science and serves as your roadmap to making more informed health and wellness decisions.

Using genetic data previously collected by 23andMe® or Ancestry® you'll be provided with an individualized, actionable report that includes evidence-based nutrition, supplement & lifestyle recommendations that are designed for your unique genetic profile.

What can a PureGenomics™ report tell me?

A PureGenomics™ report contains detailed information about genetic traits relating to your nutrition & health including...

Nutrient Metabolism

Insights on how you metabolize nutrients such as vitamins & minerals - including but not limited to...

Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Folate & Omega 3 fatty acids.

Glucose Metabolism

How you metabolize glucose (aka sugar) from the foods you eat

Genetic Tendencies

Insights & information into genetic predispositions + tendencies that affect....


Immunity, detoxification, cardiovascular health, energy & fitness, metabolism & weight management, cognitive health & memory + gastrointestinal health (gut health). 


Including but not limited to...

Estrogen Metabolism

Lactose Intolerance

Caffeine Metabolism

Serotonin Production


Dopamine Receptor Function



Protein Intake Requirements

Using insights from the PureGenomics™ report I tailor you an evidence-based, bio-individualized health + meal plan with customized lifestyle & supplementation recommendations to help you achieve optimal health.


Applicable insights with easy to understand reports & actionable recommendations


Scientific credibility with evidence-based, clincially relevant nutritional recommendations


My holistic approach considers the whole person & the interplay of the 6 pillars of health in addressing + preventing disease


Bio-individualized health & meal plan tailored to suit your unique preferences, lifestyle & genes

Who is this offering for?

This offering is for anyone who is interested in tapping into the influence of their nutrition & lifestyle on the expression of their genes - & therefore their health.


This offer is for you if -

you want to learn more about the science between your genes, nutrition & health so you can make empowered choices that are relevant to you

you are confused about what nutritional guidelines will support you specifically; what diet is optimal for you & your unique system?

you are interested in preventative health care - you are generally healthy & are looking for a guided, evidence-based & holistic health plan that is customized to you so you can optimize your health!

you are interested in bio-individualized nutrition, supplement & lifestyle recommendations designed according to your health history, symptomatology (if relevant), lifestyle & genetics

What do I get?

1:1 virtual session (45 mins)

This 1:1 session with me serves as a walk through of your health & meal plan where you can ask questions + make modifications (if applicable)

Bio-Individualized Health Plan

A health plan designed around your health history, symptomatology, lifestyle &  report - & includes personalized supplementation + lifestyle recommendations designed to support the 6 pillars of health (nutrition, sleep, environment, stress management, movement & connection).

PureGenomics Report

A customized nutrigenomic report that is backed by science and serves as your roadmap to more informed health & nutrition choices based on your genes.

Bio-Individualized Meal Plan

A 7 week sample meal plan tailored to your preferences, eating habits, lifestyle, food sensitivities & PureGenomics report


$350 CAD

The more personalized the approach that considers all facets of health - the better the outcome â‹’

The information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes.This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly.

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