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A 7 day gut healthy & budget friendly meal plan to support the seat of your health - your gut microbiome. 


All recipes within this plan are gluten free & refined sugar free to support a healthy gut!


This 7 day meal plan PDF includes:


  • a grocery list + recipes 
  • 3 meal & 2 snack options per day
  • a mix of plant based & omnivore recipes
  • whole food focused
  • made budget friendly to include:
    • canned items
    • frozen produce
    • leftover servings
  • 60-80g of protein per day
  • includes gut supporting foods:
    • prebiotic foods
    • probiotic foods
    • polyphenols
  • includes a mix of meal prep & non-meal prep recipes
    • recipes can be doubled or tripled to suit your desired servings or family size

Gut Healthy Meal Plan (7 Day)


    © 2023 GUT ROOTED

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